How To Do Viparita Karani, Raising Your Legs Up Against The Wall Pose?
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How To Do Viparita Karani, Raising Your Legs Up Against The Wall Pose?
Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose, or Viparita Karani in Sanskrit, is a restorative yoga posture that offers a wealth of benefits, making it a popular choice among people wishing to relax.
If you only have time for one pose, make it this one: legs up the wall. This asana is considered a restorative, gentle inversion, and while it’s usually practiced at the end of a yoga class, it can be helpful on its own to relax the body.
Or you can do it on its own or as the last part of your exercise routine.
It’s accessible to many people due to its ease and modifications options, making it great for people who are new to yoga or exercise.
Read on to take a look at how to do Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose and how to modify the posture.
How To Do Viparita Karani, Raising Your Legs Up Against The Wall Pose?
How To Do It?
![How To Do Viparita Karani, Raising Your Legs Up Against The Wall Pose? Dr, Bhanu Abohari](
This exercise is best done in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. There is no warm-up needed for this pose. For best results, try to calm your mind with regulated breaths. Inhale and exhale deeply. Longer exhalations slow the heart rate and calm down the nervous system.
Lie down on the floor and place your hips closer to the wall.
Now, lift your legs against the wall; make sure that both your legs are pointed vertically facing the ceiling.
As the legs are kept against the wall, try to consciously relax each part of the body.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Maintain the position for at least 4-5 minutes. Over a period of a few weeks, this time frame should be increased to 20 minutes.
To come out of the pose, bend the knees first, and push yourself away from the wall.
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Once you’re comfortable doing Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose, you may experiment with its different variations.
One option is to place the soles of your feet together in a Butterfly Pose. Bend your knees and allow your feet to come toward your hips. To deepen the stretch, gently press your hands into your thighs.
Or allow your feet to open to the sides in a wide-legged position. You’ll feel this stretch in your hips and inner thighs.
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How To Do Viparita Karani, Raising Your Legs Up Against The Wall Pose?
Thread the Needle
For a deep hip opening, try the Thread the Needle variation.
![How To Do Viparita Karani, Raising Your Legs Up Against The Wall Pose? Dr, Bhanu Abohari](
To do this:
Bend your right knee and place your outer ankle at the bottom of your left thigh, just above the left knee. Slowly bend your left knee and press your foot into the wall.
Lower your left foot until your shin is parallel to the floor. You’ll feel a stretch in your right hip and thigh.
Hold this position for 1 to 5 minutes. Repeat on the opposite side.
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How To Do Viparita Karani, Raising Your Legs Up Against The Wall Pose?
Hand Mudras
If you’ve ever found yourself fidgeting with your fingers, you may find that using hand mudras, or hand positions, helps you to feel calm and centered.
Try out some different hand mudras to bring about different states of mind or to set intentions. Aim to hold each hand mudra for at least 5 minutes.
![How To Do Viparita Karani, Raising Your Legs Up Against The Wall Pose? Hand Mudra Dr, Bhanu Abohari](
You can also use stimulate acupressure points on your hands to bring about benefits such as enhanced energy, improved digestion, and relief of minor health conditions. Or indulge in a bit of self-massage to relieve muscle tension, anxiety, and headache.
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How To Do Viparita Karani, Raising Your Legs Up Against The Wall Pose?
Incorporate Equal Breathing.
You can deepen your experience and the calming effect of this pose by focusing on the breath. Begin by placing one hand on the lower belly and one hand over the heart; try to feel the natural rhythms of your breath.
Once comfortable here, begin to take slow, gentle, and deep inhales and exhales, without forcing and straining. Try to make the length of the exhales match your inhales. “Equal breathing” is said to create a balance of the flow of consciousness, smoothing imbalances of the mind into stillness.
Stay in this pose for anywhere from five to 20 minutes, allowing your breath to return to normal for the last few minutes. Stay present with the sense of calm and equanimity that this pose brings. When you are ready to come out, bend your knees halfway toward your chest and roll to one side. Use your arms to help you sit up, moving slowly and mindfully.
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Who shouldn’t attempt it without medical supervision?
People with glaucoma, hypertension, pregnant women, and people with a hernia.
Consult with your doctor first if you have major health issues.
The Bottom Line
Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose is a worthwhile addition to your present routine, and it’s a wonderful way to introduce yourself to yoga. This pose can help you to get energized for the day or unwind and relax after a hectic workday.
Legs-up-the-wall is a gentle pose with a host of physical and mental benefits, even if you’re a beginner.
Give it a shot!
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