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Making The Most Of Your Home Workout- Intermediate and Advanced Program!

Making The Most Of Your Home Workout- Intermediate and Advanced Program!

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Read Previous Articles in This Series:

Making The Most Of Your Home Workout- Getting Started!

Making The Most Of Your Home Workout- Beginner Routine!

Once you’ve mastered the beginner routine, you’re ready to take on these intermediate moves.

Complete 2 sets of 10 to 15 reps of each exercise below, then move on to the next after 1 minute of rest.

An alternative, more advanced approach is to complete timed rounds. For instance, complete 1 minute of each exercise and repeat the circuit twice.

Compete against yourself to get just 1 or 2 more reps each time you complete the routine.

Intermediate Routine:

  • Skipping Rope
  • Single-Leg Bridge
  • Walking Lunges with/without weight
  • Lying Leg Raises
  • Split Squats/Deep Squats
  • Push-Ups
  • Plank with alternate leg lift

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Skipping Rope

Just about everyone is well versed with the know-how of skipping rope. Starting as a childhood fun activity, skipping rope has progressed to being a workout on its own. Requiring nothing but a decent 200rs rope, this exercise can be used as a warm-up at the starting of your workout and then in between to elevate the intensity of the workout.

Single-Leg Bridge

The single-leg bridge exercise is a great way to isolate and strengthen the glutes muscle and hamstrings (back of the upper leg). If you do this exercise correctly, you will also find that it is a very powerful core strengthening technique. Add this exercise to your regular workout routine to wake up and tone your buttocks.

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Walking Lunges with/without weight

Walking lunges are a variation on the static lunge exercise. Instead of standing back upright after performing a lunge on one leg, as you would in a static bodyweight lunge, you “walk” forward by lunging out with the other leg. The movement continues for a set number of reps. It works your glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

Lying Leg Raises

Leg raises are great for your abs and the obliques. It helps in building stronger abs, increase stability and strength, melt belly fat, and tone your body. As well as working your lower abs, the leg raise also improves the strength and flexibility of your hips and lower back.

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Split Squats/Deep Squats

Split squats are a superior alternative to the regular squat in many ways. The split squat is normally performed with the rear foot elevated on a bench, causing the front leg to support 85% of the load. The quads and glutes are under more constant tension than a normal squat, just due to the mechanics of the exercise.


Pushups are a fast and effective exercise for building both upper-body and core strength. Done properly, it is a compound exercise that uses muscles in the chest, shoulders, triceps, back, abs, and even the legs. Pushups are a fast and effective exercise for building strength. They can be done virtually anywhere and don’t require any equipment.

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Plank with alternate leg lift

In this slightly more difficult version of the plank, instability is created by raising a leg during the exercise, thus causing more core muscle involvement.

Once you have been on the Intermediate Program for about 8 weeks consistently, and you feel that it no longer challenges you, it’s time to move on to Advanced Program.

However, keep in mind that the exercises are tougher and therefore can be potentially injurious if not performed with care.

As with the previous programs you can perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps each or complete timed rounds e.g. For instance, complete 1 minute of each exercise and repeat the circuit twice. Compete against yourself to get just 1 or 2 more reps each time you complete the routine.

Advanced Routine:

  • Platform Jumps
  • Jumping Lunges
  • V-up
  • Overhead Squats
  • Feet Elevated Push-ups
  • Plank with Alternate Hand and Leg Lift

Platform Jumps

The platform jump is a plyometric move that strengthens your main lower-body muscles – glutes, quads, calves, and hamstrings. Platform jumps will help make you faster, more powerful, and springier than ever, and if you do them for more than a few seconds, they’ll raise your heart rate and burn calories like nobody’s business.

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Jumping Lunges

The jump lunge is an advanced variation of a basic lunge exercise, bumping up the intensity by adding a jump. The plyometric transition consists of jumping high in the air and switching your forward foot before landing. You can add the jump lunge exercise to your high-intensity interval training routine, or use it to boost your heart rate during calisthenics or basic floor work. Because this exercise requires no equipment, you can do it any time and at any place. When performing a jump lunge, you’ll simultaneously work all of the lower-body muscles targeted by a standard lunge, including the quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.

Overhead Squats

The overhead squat is one of those exercises that really does target the entire body, and when done correctly, it can provide increases in strength, flexibility, and mobility that you can transfer to other exercises and everyday life. An overhead squat is a great tool for training the strength and stability of your shoulders and core. It’s also a great tool to mobilize your thoracic spine, ankles, and hips, and will help you feel more comfortable at the very bottom of a squat. Being a difficult exercise to perform, you would better perform it with a straight rod or broom handle.

Making The Most Of Your Home Workout- Intermediate and Advanced Program

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The V-sit ab exercise builds core strength by working multiple areas of the core at the same time, while also challenging your balance. In this exercise, you sit with legs extended and torso off the ground, your body forming a V shape. It builds your core strength, balance, and coordination, can help you maintain good posture, catch yourself to avoid falls, and perform better at a variety of physical activities. For those who’ve done yoga or Pilates before, this movement will look similar to the Boat Pose.

Making The Most Of Your Home Workout- Intermediate and Advanced Program

Feet Elevated Push-ups

The feet-elevated push-up is a variation on the push-up, a body-weight standard. The feet are elevated so that your body is aligned at an angle to the floor rather than parallel. This makes it more difficult than push-ups on the floor, but also puts more emphasis on the shoulder and upper chest muscles.

You’ll need a raised surface like a bench, box, or chair to do decline pushups. The higher the surface, the harder the exercise will be. If you’re new to decline pushups, start with a low surface, like a brick or step. You can increase the height over time.

Making The Most Of Your Home Workout- Intermediate and Advanced Program

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Plank with Alternate Hand and Leg Lift

Alternating leg & arm plank is a calisthenics exercise that primarily targets the abs and to a lesser degree also targets the glutes, hip flexors, lower back, obliques, quads, and shoulders. The only alternating leg & arm plank equipment that you really need is the following: an exercise mat.

Making The Most Of Your Home Workout- Intermediate and Advanced Program

To get the maximum results from this workout you will need to vary it up a bit. The best way to do this is by supersetting the exercises. That should keep your muscles guessing. Use this advanced workout for 8-12 weeks then change it up.

Whatever your fitness level, find a way to push yourself a little harder, get better, be faster, and grow stronger.


Do this routine 3-4 times a week, but never on consecutive days.

You don’t build muscle when you’re exercising, you build muscle when you’re resting, so try not to do a strength training routine (of the same muscle groups) two days in a row.

Don’t forget to get back to us, in case you need a question answered. Good Luck.

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