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What’s Your Game? Speaking my Mind!

What’s Your Game?

Why this Article was written?

I face a tough call every time I sit down to pen my article. Who should I write to? Is it an overworked housewife with a kid in 1st standard reading my article, or am I addressing a low-achieving athlete, maybe to someone with a Gold’s Gym membership or someone working out in his/her backyard? An office-goer watching football-playing students with envy? Nevertheless, I try to reach out to all. Perhaps there is a flaw in this method, or maybe not. Only time will be a witness to that.

what's your game?

But in this analysis, there is a question for you too, my constant reader. What’s Your Game? Why is it that you are here? Is it something new being served out here or is it the methodology that calls out to you. Am I able to do some good, to add on to the numerous workout routines, the keto/paleo/Turkish/lunar diets, the hypnotic/cryotherapy/hormone replacement therapies doing rounds in the name of health and fitness! Frankly, I have nothing of the sort to offer, my proposal is straightforward, I know something that works for me and, I am very convinced about its potency. Add to that a fair amount of stubbornness, and we are ready to go!

What’s Your Game?

Related Read: What’s Your Excuse?

what's your game?

What’s Your Game?

The three Pillars Of My Fitness and Health Philosophy are pretty much straightforward –

Eat Clean– And reasonably so.

Be Physically Active -Enough to challenge yourself

Keep At It – Persistence is the Key

What's your Game?

Also Read: How Can I Be Consistent With Exercising? FAQs#1


Are you a lone walker?, Or you can’t workout without six of your gym buddies. Do you absolutely need that Nordic Tracker to make you feel exercised ?, or you could run up and down your Society’s three-floor staircase a couple of times and feel like Rocky Balboa. You could run a marathon, empty stomach, or absolutely have to load up on your BCCAs and Creatine before heading for the Franchise Health club. You could be jumping rope a thousand steps a day or Doing a number of Suryanamaskars/Yoga Asanas before the sun rises.

What’s Your Game?

What’s Your Game?

What’s Your Game?

What’s Your Game?


It doesn’t matter. As long it ticks these three boxes, anything in between or anyhow you do that is okay with me.
At your end, identify what ticks YOUR boxes once and for all, and then get on with it. You can fine-tune the details on the way. Just get started and keep at it.
So it boils down to that one single question, you need to ask of yourself.

What’s your Game?

Related Read: Reinvent Yourself With This 1% Rule

What’s Your Game?

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