Your Ultimate Guide To Habits That Make You Age Faster!
If you smoke half a pack a day, don’t sleep well and a lack of friends can also cause fast aging and other health problems. There are some things we may not even think about that can affect our appearance.
habits that make you age faster!
It’s certainly no secret that smoking is bad for your health. But did you know it’s bad for your looks, too? Studies show that in addition to shortening your life by increasing your risk for heart and lung disease, smoking can activate enzymes that break down the elasticity of your skin.
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You’re likely well aware that smoking is terrible for your health, but it bears repeating: This deadly habit is known to cause lung cancer and heart disease. Not only will it age your heart and your lungs, but it will also show signs of wear on your face. The toxins from the cigarette will start to show wrinkles and fine lines on your face and around your mouth. “Nicotine in cigarettes causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the skin, which leaves it more prone to wrinkling because vital nutrients cannot reach the epidermis”
habits that make you age faster!
Who hasn’t fallen for the mirage of fast weight-loss one time or the other? Quick fixes are tempting, but crash dieting is never a good idea. It’s not a long-term solution — in fact, it may be a long-term threat. Research shows that it can make you feel older by reducing your energy level, messing with your concentration, and making you feel depressed and irritable. Crash dieting can also cause wrinkles and sagging because aging skin, which has less elasticity, doesn’t have time to adjust to the weight loss. Weight management is important for your health, but don’t try to lose more than half or one kg a week.
![Habits That Make You Age Faster, crash dieting](
habits that make you age faster!
You may think that as you get older you don’t need as much sleep, but experts say you still need seven or eight hours every night for optimal senior health. Not getting enough sleep can keep you from functioning well during the day. It can also lead to weight gain, another burden on your health. If you are going to bed at a reasonable hour yet feel like you’re foggy during the day, talk to your doctor to rule out sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, which is common as you age.
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It’s true that as you get older you need fewer calories. However, if you want to have a spring in your step and the glow of healthy aging — rather than a drawn complexion with wrinkles — you need to get those calories from good, nutritious sources. A junk-food or ‘i love the fries diet’ just won’t cut it. Experts say the best sources are lots of colorful fruits and vegetables. Also be sure your diet includes fish with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, as well as plenty of fiber from whole grains.
![Habits That Make You Age Faster, not eating fruits and vegetables](
habits that make you age faster!
The powers of a steady fitness routine are impressive: regular exercise can help you build stronger muscles, stave off chronic illnesses, and make your clothes fit a whole lot better. But there’s another benefit of physical activity that deserves a mention: even moderate amounts of physical activities seem to shave years off your age, no matter how many birthdays you’ve actually celebrated. Of course, you can’t change your chronological age, but exercise can improve your health to the point where you look and feel younger than you are.
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A workout is like nature’s energy drink, daily tasks become less strenuous and require less exertion. It’s the kind of pep in your step that makes you feel like you’ve peeled off a decade or two.
Strength training, builds muscle and bone health, especially in your core and along your spine, so you naturally stand taller and shave years off your appearance.
And you don’t even need a gym to work out. Experts find that just 30 minutes of moderate walking can improve health, prevent mental illness, lower bad cholesterol, protect your heart, prevent falls, improve insulin sensitivity, and strengthen bones.
habits that make you age faster!
Journaling, painting, book club, pottery, —it doesn’t matter so much what you do, as long as you do something that allows your creativity to flow. Researchers found that people who engaged in a regular hobby—like reading or writing—needed less medical attention, and had a happier outlook on life than a similar group that didn’t have a hobby.
![Habits That Make You Age Faster, not having any hobbies](
Whether you’re always looking for a sugary drink or you constantly crave candies and chocolates, you’re aging yourself in more ways than one. For starters, when we eat foods that are high in sugar, we overwhelm our bodies with sugar molecules. As a result, the levels of inflammation markers increase—which is the cause of countless age-related diseases.
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According to the Scientists “Sugar promotes an unhealthy microbiome and it is also pro-inflammatory. All of these characteristics can accelerate the aging process.” Luckily, this can be reversed: Researchers found that when people cut out sugary, processed, and fried foods that have high levels of AGEs, markers of inflammation in their body diminished.
habits that make you age faster!
Constant stress means high levels of cortisol, the fat-storing stress hormone which has been shown to cause high blood pressure, chest pain, a slower metabolism, and weight gain, according to a study in Biological Psychiatry. These are all precursors to age-related diseases that shorten your lifespan. Even worse, the types of food we crave when we’re stressed out tend to be fatty, salty, and sugary—a triple threat when it comes to weight gain.
![Habits That Make You Age Faster, being constantly in stress](
Even if you’re not obese, being overweight can be enough to shorten your lifespan, people who had ever been overweight during a 23-year study period were 19% more likely to die compared with those who never exceeded a normal weight.
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Drinking in moderation has its health benefits, but drinking to excess can be damaging. “The occasional glass (or two) of wine is no harm to you or your skin, but drinking to excess, especially sugary drinks, causes cell-damaging free radicals. Alcohol also robs the body of vitamin A, an antioxidant that’s essential for cell renewal and turnover. Make sure that when you do drink, reach for cocktails without added sugars (like those frozen margaritas) and try to limit yourself to two drinks at a time.
You may have heard that moderate drinking is good for health, but what’s considered “moderate” changes as you get older. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause cognitive decline and may contribute to falls. Alcohol can also interfere with some medications. Ask your doctor how much alcohol — if any — is safe for you.
habits that make you age faster!
White grains are stripped of their outer, fiber- and nutrient-rich shell, meaning they’re essentially just another version of sugar. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria in your gut, which can then push out the good bacteria, which help release anti-inflammatory compounds into your body. Eating white grains, like white rice, white bread, pasta, and pizza, means you’re eating fewer whole grains—foods that researchers are finding have powerful benefits.
![Habits That Make You Age Faster, eating processed carbohydrates](
habits that make you age faster!
The high B-vitamin content of whole grains (which is nearly entirely lost during the refinement process) helps to reduce the inflammatory hormone homocysteine in the body. Plus, high-fiber foods suppress appetite and strengthen your immunity, a system that tends to weaken with age.
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Getting outside and enjoying the sunshine is good for boosting your mood and absorbing the all-important vitamin D, but too much sun exposure is bad news for aging. “The first and most common type [of skin wrinkling] is from chronic sun damage,” says Jerome Potozkin, MD, a board-certified dermatologist. “Sun damage results in loss of collagen and elastin, resulting in wrinkling of the skin.” Not only does soaking up too many rays make you look older, but it can also lead to developing skin cancer, including the potentially fatal melanoma. Be sure to wear an SPF of at least 30 every day and if you’re going to be in the water, reapply often.
It turns out that neglecting your friendships and social networks can lead to health problems and faster aging. This conclusion was made by researchers who studied the topic. Loneliness is a risk factor that increases the chance of death. Also, the effects of feeling lonely can be compared to those of smoking.
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![Habits That Make You Age Faster, not having close friends](
habits that make you age faster!
Such an effect may be seen in people who have no friends, don’t go out, or do it far less than the average person. It also decreases physical activity which is very important for one’s well-being.
Researchers say that there’s “healthy” aging when you don’t experience any chronic diseases, no loss of memory, and no physical disabilities compared to what’s “normal.”
Often, we don’t even realize these seemingly routine Habits That Make You Age Faster are shortening our lifespan dramatically. So, if you’re looking to look better, live longer, stay sharp, and feel full of energy, we’ve just uncovered these mistakes you could be making that are signs you’ll age faster than you should. Don’t worry if you’re guilty of one or two—it’s easy to turn your health around.
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