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What Does Sugar Do To Your Body?

What Does Sugar Do To Your Body?

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“The average person basically eats their weight in sugar — 80 kgs every year. Just think about what that does to your body.”
— Ashley Taliaferro

In the modern world sugar is probably the worst food product that you can put into your body!

Chances are you already know that eating too much sugar isn’t good for you. Yet you’re probably still overdoing it.

Sugary drinks, sweets, baked foods, and sweetened dairy products are the main sources of added sugar. But even tasteful foods, like bread, tomato sauce, and protein bars, can have sugar, making it all too easy to end up with a surplus of the sweet stuff. To make it even more complex, added sugars can be hard to spot on nutrition labels since they can be listed under a number of names, such as corn syrup, agave nectar, palm sugar, cane juice, or sucrose.

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No matter how it’s named, sugar is sugar, and in excess, it can negatively affect your body in many ways. Here’s a closer look at how sugar can mess with your health, point by point.

Sugar Causes Weight Gain.

Your body needs glucose to survive, but when you consume more than you need, what happens?

When you consume more sugar than the body can use, the body converts it into fat and stores it for future use in areas, such as the hips, thighs, arms, and abdomen. 

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Sugar Causes Skin Problems.

A diet high in sugary foods and drinks, has been associated with a higher risk of developing acne.

Foods such as processed sweets, raise your blood sugar rapidly than foods causing increased androgen secretion, oil production, and inflammation, all of which play a role in acne development.

Not just acne, but redness, skin dullness, and other skin conditions can be made worse by a sugar-rich diet.

Sugar causes inflammation in the skin, so the less you eat, the clearer your complexion may become.

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Sugar Increases Your Risk Of Heart Disease.

Consuming too much added sugar increases heart disease risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, and inflammation. High-sugar diets have been linked to an increased risk of dying from heart disease.

Sugar | Hammer Nutrition

Sugar Causes Depression And Anxiety.

Sugar increases inflammation throughout the body, including in the brain, 

A sugary diet can create an inflammatory response in your body, which in turn, can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression. 

Sugar and depression: What's the link?

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Sugar Causes Memory Loss And Dementia.

Sugar-rich diets can directly impact our brain’s ability to retain short and long-term memories. 

A 2017 UK study confirmed the link between high blood sugar and the progression of dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease.

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Sugar Causes Liver Disease.

NAFLD Non- Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease to be exact.

A high intake of fructose sugar has been consistently linked to an increased risk of fatty liver.

In the liver, fructose is converted into energy or stored as glycogen.

However, the liver can only store so much glycogen before excess amounts are turned into fat.

Large amounts of added sugar in the form of fructose overload your liver, leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition characterized by excessive fat buildup in the liver leading to liver failure.

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Sugar Causes Sugar Addiction.

When you eat a lot of sugar, your brain cells release dopamine — the “feel-good” chemical that’s released when you’re having an adventure or having positive human interactions.

When the level of dopamine in the body drops, the person tends to consume more sugar leading to vicious addictive eating behavior.

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Sugar Consumption Is Linked To Cancer.

It’s been said that cancer cells feed on sugar. But every cell needs sugar to survive. There’s no strong evidence that eating a lot of sugar increases your risk of cancer or that cancer grows faster if you don’t restrict sugar intake.

However, the evidence is very clear on the link between weight and cancer. A high-sugar diet contributes to excess weight and body fat, which increases your risk of many common cancers. 

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The Bottom Line

Processed sugars have a bitter-sweet effect on the human body, and it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth a taste!

Eating too much added sugar can have many negative health effects.

An excess of sweetened foods and beverages can lead to weight gain, addiction, brain impairment, and an increased risk of heart disease, among other dangerous medical conditions.

For these reasons, added sugar should be kept to a minimum whenever possible.

If you need to cut added sugar from your diet, try some of the small changes listed in our upcoming article on


Young girl avoiding sugar

And before you know it, your sugar habit will be a thing of the past.


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