Throughout history, we have been told that, ‘We are what we eat’!
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What This Article Is About?:
1. Food Is The Medicine Or The Poison Of The Future.
2. Our Bodies Replace Billions Of Cells Every Day Using The Foods We Consume.
3. “Brain-Gut Connection”- Food We Consume Affects How We Feel Emotionally.
4. “Eat Till The Stomach Is 80% Full”. This Okinawan Philosophy Delays Aging.
5. We Are Responsible For What We Consume As Food.
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Edison in the early twentieth century said “the doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and the cause and prevention of disease.“
Is this what Hippocrates was telling us in 390 BC when he said
‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food?‘
Is it time to use food as medicine and not just something to function our body?
The world is full of different cuisines and thousands of different meals. Yet when we reduce them to their essence, there are just a handful of ingredients that our bodies absolutely need to survive. These basic molecules come in a series of groups we’re all familiar with — carbohydrates, fat, protein — each class of molecule is very important for the way our bodies work. So, what to choose?
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Our physical and mental well-being is directly linked to what we eat and drink. The nutritional content of what we eat determines the composition of our cell membranes, bone marrow, blood, hormones, tissue, organs, skin, and hair. Our bodies are replacing billions of cells every day — and using the foods we consume as the source.
Researchers at Oxford University have concluded that the diets of organisms can even affect the composition of their genes
Researchers at Oxford University have concluded that the diets of organisms can even affect the composition of their genes. Since organisms construct their DNA using building blocks they get from food, Dr Steven Kelly, of Oxford’s Department of Plant Sciences, and his colleagues hypothesized that the composition of food could alter an organism’s DNA. The results revealed a previously hidden relationship between cellular metabolism and evolution and provided new insights into how DNA sequences can be influenced by adaptation to different diets. The team also found it is possible to predict the diets of related organisms by analyzing the DNA sequence of their genes.
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What happens when we don’t make the best choices?
Like hydrogenated fats, GMOs, artificial sugars and that long ingredient-list on processed food packages . The body has to manage because it can’t use for its normal jobs. Your trusty liver, who already has about 400 jobs, has to try to neutralize them. Fake food is like a foreigner who doesn’t speak your body’s language, roaming the body with messages that your body can’t translate. Your body does its best to neutralize it, but those messages can lead to imbalances.
A well-structured diet not only results in better health and overall body composition but because of the “brain-gut connection” — can also make us feel great. Eating well is part of the strategy that can reduce our risk of any chronic disease and even improve the condition of our very genes. There is no “one rule fits all” when it comes to eating well. Applying the commonly accepted recommendations such as low sugar, low salt, and a good variety of nutrients is the most advisable for all of us.
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Paying attention to how much we are eating is another very important aspect of healthy nutrition — that naturally concerns us all.
Paying attention to how much we are eating is another very important aspect of healthy nutrition — that naturally concerns us all.
The Okinawa Province in Japan goes by the name of “the village of the centenaries”. Here, one in four inhabitants lives over the age of 100. This cannot be a coincidence.
In Okinawa, before starting to eat, the following sentence is pronounced: “Hara hachi bu” (The Ikigai Method, H. Garcia, F. Miralles). This closely translates to “eat till the stomach is 80% full”. The idea here is that we should stop eating before we are completely full. This avoids putting too much pressure on the digestive system. Thus avoiding the acceleration of cells’ oxidation (i.e., the ageing process).
What we eat and how much we eat is critical, but how we process it is perhaps even more important.
‘We are what we eat’ – this requires each and every one of us to take responsibility for our own health and well-being and as Edison expands on this it is also ‘the care of the human frame’ and not just diet that will prevent disease.
Taking responsibility for everything we eat and having an understanding of what food does to our body, will bring more awareness in a world that currently needs radical changes in our eating habits in order to bring down the illnesses related to the food we consume.
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