Guide To Weight-Loss-10 weight loss tips you should follow daily.
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“Don’t go into the details, the why’s and how’s, just tell me what to do.”
“Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”
More times than not, I do get such responses while trying to explain the nuances of how weight-loss strategies work. Not everyone wants to spend that kind of time and energy trying to understand how and why something works and something doesn’t. And while I am of a completely different line of thought, I think that I need to respect that perspective too. I am sure many would agree with that.
So, without much ado, here are 10 tips to lose weight faster, with as little explanation as possible, for those who just want to get done with it. Use them as a Guide To Weight-Loss.
Eat(more) Protein For Breakfast.
Protein is high on the satiety scale. In simple words, it’s filling and reduces hunger cravings. Eating a breakfast high in protein decreases calorie intake throughout the day. Don’t skip the eggs.
![Guide To Weight-Loss, eat protein for weight-loss](
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Don’t Drink Your Calories.
Avoid fruit juices and colas. These are calorie bombs and among the most fattening things, you can put into your body. Replace the juice with real fruits.
Choose Low-Calorie Foods.
Salads are better than fries, fruits are better than dessert, get the picture? Some foods are better for weight loss than others because they pack significantly fewer calories for the same amount of food that they replace.
Drink Water Before Meals.
Studies showed that drinking water a half hour before meals reduces hunger pangs and increases weight loss by 44% over 3 months’ time.
![Guide To Weight-Loss, drink water before meals](
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Eat High Fiber Food.
Studies show that soluble fibers promote weight loss by filling up the stomach way before you could load it up with calorie-dense food. A simple rule should be to ‘Eat Your Veggies First’.
Drink Coffee Or Tea.
Caffeine boosts your metabolism by 3–11%. Having said that don’t overload yourself on caffeine and avoid drinking that cup after 5 pm unless you have a night shift.
Go Natural.
Eat more natural and whole food. The less your food is processed, the better it is. Whole foods are healthier, more filling, and much less likely to cause overeating than processed foods. Don’t(at least try) eat anything that comes out of a bag/carton.
![Guide To Weight-Loss, eat more natural foods](
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Eat Slowly.
Eating quickly can lead to weight gain over time while eating slowly makes you feel more full and boosts weight-reducing hormones. It also lets you enjoy food more and relish what you have on your plate, thereby reducing the ‘mental urge’ to eat again.
Use Smaller Plates.
It’s a perspective thing. Science says: Large plates make you think you have a relatively smaller amount of food, so you’ll feel less satisfied and want more. So game your own brain by serving rich food on little dishes.
![Guide To Weight-Loss, use smaller plates to eat](
Sleep Well.
Sleep deprivation causes mood disturbances and hormonal imbalances which results in making poor food choices and over-eating. So be wary of the night shift.
Guide To Weight-Loss
In Conclusion:
Guide To Weight-Loss
Making a few small changes to your daily eating habits can be an easy and effective way to increase weight loss.
Guide To Weight-Loss
Practicing healthy eating and cooking can also get you started on the right foot and set you up for success when it comes to weight-loss.
The cornerstone of a healthy diet should be to replace processed food with real food whenever possible. Eating food that is as close as possible to the way nature made it can make a huge difference to the way you think, look, and feel.
For best results, make sure you combine these habits with a well-rounded diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Guide To Weight-Loss
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Guide To Weight-Loss