What’s Your Excuse?: Speaking My Mind!
What's Your Excuse? I have a personal philosophy: We live in an Excuse Based Culture. Most people have a list of Want to Do’s/ Have to do’s/ Should do’s that’s…
What's Your Excuse? I have a personal philosophy: We live in an Excuse Based Culture. Most people have a list of Want to Do’s/ Have to do’s/ Should do’s that’s…
How to Use The 1% 'Kaizen' Rule To Reinvent Yourself and Become a New Improved You !% at a Time. Putting in minimal effort daily can result in such a huge output.
Intermittent fasting-Weight loss to improving health, and even helping people build better relationships with food, intermittent fasting appears to have all bases covered.
Eating seasonal, the concept is eating foods that are grown locally and harvested at the same time, so that you get the best nourishment
How Can I Eat To Be Healthy?Frequently Asked Questions on Fitness, Nutrition, and Health Faqs