5 “Healthy” Foods That Are Actually Bad For You!

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“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.”
5 “Healthy” Foods That Are Actually Bad For You!
Food gives life, energy, and growth to our body.
Consumption of different varieties of food gives us various nutrients present in them. In the present time of global pandemic Covid-19, it becomes all the more important to have food with high nutritional values in order to have better immunity. However, due to ill information and misguided marketing practices, we tend to have unhealthy foods considering them to be safe.
Yes! There are certain foods that we consume to attain a healthy lifestyle that are sometimes having an adverse effect on our body.
To answer the aforesaid questions from the perspective of a health expert, in this article we at FITrebel.in, have penned down about 5 food items, which are considered as healthy, but in reality, they are not so.
5 “Healthy” Foods That Are Actually Bad For You!
5 “Healthy” Foods That Are Actually Bad For You!
1. Fruit Juices:
Fruit juices as we all believe are healthy as they are obtained from fruits, but nothing could be farther from the truth. We live in the wrong notion that we are following a healthy lifestyle by including the juices in our daily meal cycle. Unfortunately, most fruit juices (organic or otherwise) flood your body with just as much sugar as a Pepsi or Cola. Sometimes most of the fruit juice we find in grocery stores is not even the extract of real fruits rather fruit-flavored sugar water. Both dietary fiber and phytonutrients present in the raw fruits are lacking in the juices we drink. And high sugar content and high calories in the form of concentrated sugar contribute to obesity and high blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, hypertension, strokes, and many other health problems later in life.
No matter how they label it, a glass of juice — with “pulp” or without, organic or otherwise — is not nutritionally equivalent to whole fruit, nor will it ever be. Remember, fruit juice consumption is not an acceptable short-cut on the road to good health. It’s more like the highway to health problems! Having the whole fruit pulp will give vitamins, dietary fiber, and nutrients, which makes it much healthier than the juice.
2. Whole Wheat Flour:
The whole wheat four that is considered healthier as compared to all-purpose flour or maida, can be equally harmful due to its high glycemic index/GI which raises blood sugar levels. Whole wheat products labeled “whole grain” are usually made with flour. Finely textured whole wheat bread has the same GI as white bread – about 70, making both high GI foods. Eating foods that are high on the glycemic index will produce spikes in blood sugar that can lead over time to insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is associated with obesity, high blood pressure, elevated blood fats, and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, and other chronic diseases.
The refined wheat also contains a minimal or negligible amount of fiber, which prevents and delays regular bowel movements leading to constipation or strained stools. All the vitamins and minerals are also greatly reduced. For healthy eating and good gut health, whole wheat should be taken more in the natural form rather than in refined or processed form.
3. Protein Bars:
Read the label. Many protein bars are just processed bricks of artificial ingredients and fillers. Most of them end up being not much more than a candy bar with protein sprinkled in it. You do not want to grab these as snacks, and if it has over 200 calories and more than 8 grams of sugar, leave it on the shelf! Swap it for: If you’re looking for a protein boost try sprouted beans and grains or humus and vegetables for a snack. These options will have protein from the source instead of being added to a candy bar like many protein bars end up being.
4. Low Fat Yogurt:
Nowadays there is a flood of flavored yogurt in the market which we consume in the name of the healthy dairy substitute but is not as healthy as the original yogurt, be it anything in any form. It lacks probiotics, vitamins like calcium, and minerals. The addition of chemicals to enhance the taste or change the flavor reduces its health benefits and makes it unhealthy for consumption. No matter what flavors you choose there is absolutely no nutritional value in low-fat commercial yogurt. You’re not doing yourself a service by eating it instead of ice cream. It’s a sugar treat that needs to JUST be a treat!
Just have the real thing instead. It will give us more health benefits, good heart health, help in weight loss and provide high protein, it may overall protect your complete immune system with its various healthy qualities.
5 “Healthy” Foods That Are Actually Bad For You!
5. Sweetened Breakfast Cereals:

Breakfast cereals are among the most popular processed foods that are high in added sugars. In fact, most cereals list processed sugar as the second or third ingredient. It causes an increase in blood sugar and insulin levels. Excess consumption of sugar may also increase your risk of weight gain, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Breakfast cereals are marketed as healthy — with boxes featuring health claims like “low-fat” and “whole-grain.” Yet, their first listed ingredients are often refined grains and artificial sugars.
These small amounts of whole grains don’t make these products healthy.
Also breakfast cereals are basically genetically modified foods, causing increased allergies, digestive problems, liver problems, issues with fertility (even sterility), and much more.
Healthier alternatives like steel-cut oats and unsweetened muesli could be considered instead.
5 “Healthy” Foods That Are Actually Bad For You!
To sum it all up, we can say that, all that glitters is not gold. Our health is in our hands so, while choosing healthy food habits we must take note of ingredients like refined, processed grains, added flavors and artificial colors all should be avoided because of their high sugar contents which can lead to raised sugar levels, weight gain, and several other chronic health issues.
Eat well, be well!

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14 “Healthy” Foods That Are Actually Bad For You
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5 “Healthy” Foods That Are Actually Bad For You!